• Discovery
In the first section we're laying the base for success.
I start asking the 5 W-Questions:
What, Who, Where, When and Why.
These informations also belong in every briefing.
We will also define how success will look like for you and also the budget.
• Conception
After we’ve managed the paperwork (Quotation and acceptance.), I’m starting the creative process.
Based on the informations from step one I will write a treatment tailormade to your needs.
Although the ingredients for Commercials are the same, the outcome is always different.
We have:
Footage, ITV, Lightning, Camerawork, Music, Voiceover, Actors, Editing, Colorgrading and much more.
This is where the wheat is seperated from chaff:
With my almost 20 years of experience I know what works.
Therefore I’m finding the right mix, so we get our desired eye-candy, which also transports our message.
• Planning
This is the part where I start to put the puzzle together.
Finding the right Cast, Location, Props, Team, Styling, Gear etc.
• Shooting
Always one of the most exciting times in the whole process.
Here I can finally start building the house, for which we already manifested the basement.
• Postproduction
Now I put all the parts together: Footage, Sounds, Voiceover, Graphics, Music etc.
Again: Here comes my experience from over 3000 created videos in handy.
The outstanding visual storytelling will give you the security, that the commercials will come out as planned and in highest quality.
• Delivery: After you approved everything, you will get the masterversions, in your desired format like 4K or vertical for socials.